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MG: number; numeral; digit MG: calculate; reckon; compute; cipher; cypher; work out; figure MG: science; scientific discipline

Semantic relations:
  Is: 1

English: arithmetic
the branch of pure mathematics dealing with the theory of numerical calculations
Español: aritmética
العربية: علم الحساب, عِلم الحِساب
Français: arithmétique, calcul, moyenne, de l'arithmétique
한국어: 산수
Italiano: aritmetica
kiSwahili: hesabu
Српски: аритметика
Nederlands: rekenkunde, aritmetica, arimetica, rekenkunst, rekenen
Tagalog: aritmetika
Ελληνικά: αριθμητική
Català: aritmètica
Dansk: regning
Lietuviškai: aritmetika
Latviešu: aritmētika
Cymraeg: rhifyddeg
Frysk: rekkenkunde
Latine: arithmetica
简体中文: 算术suàn shù
繁體中文: 算術
Русский: арифметика
Português: aritmética
Deutsch: Arithmetik
తెలుగు: అంకగణితం
Türkçe: aritmetik
Româneşte: aritmetică
Hrvatski: aritmetika
Bahasa Melayu: ilmu hisab, kira-kira, aritmetik
Magyar: számtan
Svenska: aritmetik
Suomi: aritmetiikka
עברית: אריתמטיקה, חֶשְׁבּוֹן, אָרִיתְמֶטִיקָה
Slovenščina: računstvo
ar Brezhoneg: aritmetik
Esperanto: aritmetiko
Galego: aritmética, cálculo
Papiamentu: aritmétika
हिनदी: अंकगणित, हिसाब
বাংলা: পাটীগণিত
Português do Brasil: aritmética
日本語: 算術さんじゅつ, 算数さんすう
தமிழ்: எண்கணிதம்
Polski: arytmetyka
ﯽﺳﺭﺎﻓ: علم حساب, حسابی
ไทย: เลขคณิต
Bahasa Indonesia: ilmu hisab, kira-kira, aritmetika
Čeština: aritmetika
ﻯﺭﺩ: حساب
Slovenčina: aritmetika
ქართული: არითმეტიკა
Македонски: аритметика
Eesti: aritmeetika
Euskara: aritmetika
Interlingua: arithmetica

WordNet: 1

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MG: referee; official; umpire; arbiter; arbitratorreferee; official; umpire; arbiter; arbitrator